Custom Report Components

Components of a Best Practice Analyzer Report Template

Basics of the Report

a. name

  • Description: The title or identifier of the report.

  • Purpose: Helps users recognize the purpose of the report.

  • Example:

    "name": "My Custom SharePoint Report"

b. style

  • Description: Defines how the report data will be displayed.

  • Options:

    • Table: Presents data in a tabular layout.

    • Tenant: A single-page overview for individual tenants.

  • Example:

    "style": "Table"

Data Definition (Fields Section)

a. name

  • Description: Identifies each category or set of data within the report.

  • Purpose: Organizes the data into logical sections.

  • Example:

    "name": "SharepointSettings"

b. API

  • Description: Specifies the API or data source type.

  • Options:

    • Graph: Microsoft Graph API, used for Microsoft 365 services.

    • Exchange: Commands specific to Microsoft Exchange.

    • CIPPFunction: Custom APIs or application-specific functions.

  • Example:

    "API": "Graph"

c. URL or command

  • Description: Indicates the endpoint (Graph or CIPPFunction) or PowerShell command (Exchange) to fetch the data.

  • Example:

    • Graph:

      "URL": ""
    • Exchange:

      "command": "Get-MailboxDetail"

d. Parameters

  • Description: Additional arguments or settings required for the API call.

  • Example:

    "Parameters": {"asApp": "True"}

e. ExtractFields

  • Description: Lists the attributes to extract from the returned data.

  • Purpose: Specifies what information to pull from the API response.

  • Example:

    "ExtractFields": ["sharingCapability", "isMacSyncAppEnabled"]

f. StoreAs

  • Description: Determines how the fetched data is stored.

  • Options:

    • JSON: For structured data.

    • bool: For binary (true/false) values.

  • Example:

    "StoreAs": "JSON"

Frontend Definition

a. FrontendFields

  • Description: Describes how the extracted data will appear in the report.

  • Subfields:

    • name: The label displayed in the report.

    • value: Reference to the extracted data’s location.

    • formatter: Defines the format for displaying the data.

      • Options for formatter:

        • string: Displays as plain text.

        • bool: Displays true/false values.

        • warnBool: Highlights boolean values with warnings.

        • reverseBool: Inverts boolean values for display.

        • table: Displays data in a table format.

        • number: Presents numerical values.

  • Example:

    "FrontendFields": [{
        "name": "Sharing Capability",
        "value": "SharepointSettings.sharingCapability",
        "formatter": "string"

b. where (Optional)

  • Description: A conditional filter that determines which data is processed or displayed.

  • Purpose: Enables precise control over data inclusion using PowerShell-style filters.

  • Example:

    "where": "$_.definition -like '*WebSessionIdleTimeout*'"

c. desc (Tenant View Only)

  • Description: Adds a description displayed at the bottom of a tenant overview card.

  • Purpose: Provides context or additional information about the data shown.

  • Example:

    "desc": "This shows you how many users are in your tenant."

Example Report Template

Here’s a complete example combining all components:

  "name": "Custom SharePoint Report",
  "style": "Table",
  "fields": [{
      "name": "SharepointSettings",
      "API": "Graph",
      "URL": "",
      "Parameters": {"asApp": "True"},
      "ExtractFields": ["sharingCapability", "isMacSyncAppEnabled"],
      "StoreAs": "JSON",
      "FrontendFields": [{
          "name": "Sharing Capability",
          "value": "SharepointSettings.sharingCapability",
          "formatter": "string"

This structure ensures clear, actionable insights while offering flexibility for customization. Let me know if you'd like further explanation or a specific example tailored to your needs!

Feature Requests / Ideas

We value your feedback and ideas. Please raise any feature requests on GitHub.

Last updated

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