Table Features

Top Row Features


🔃 Refresh data

This action will refresh the column data

🔍 Search

This window will perform a fuzzy search on table contents for the value you type into the box

Preset Filters

This will present options for preset filters for the table you are viewing. All tables have an option to "Reset all filters"

Show/Hide Filters

This will optionally display the column filters just below the column headers for more granular filtering than the fuzzy search

Toggle Column Visibility

This will allow you to select which columns are visible on the page. You will also be presented with the options to "Reset to preferred columns", "Save as preferred columns", and "Delete preferred columns". Preferred columns are saved as part of your browser cookies.

Export to PDF

This button will export the visible columns in PDF format

Export to CSV

This button will export the visible columns in CSV format

View API Response

This button will open a flyout window where you can view the API response received from the CIPP backend

Column Features


Clear sort

This will clear any sorting set on this column

Sort by <column name> ascending

This will sort the column by ascending values (smallest to largest, 0 to 9, and/or A to Z)

Sort by <column name> descending

This will sort the column by descending values (largest to smallest, 9 to 0, and/or Z to A)

Clear filter

Clears any filters placed on the column

Filter by <column name>

This will present additional filtering options (See below)

Pin to left

Pin to right


Hide <column name> column

Show all columns

Column Filtering Options



Will return all results where the value is similar to what is input


Will return all results where the value contains the input

Starts With

Will return all results where the value starts with the input

Ends With

Will return all results where the value ends with the input


Will return all results where the value exactly matches the input

Not Equals

Will return all results where the value does not match the input


Will return all results where the value is in between the inputs. This will not include the inputs in the returned results

Between Inclusive

Will return all results where the value is in between the inputs. This will include the inputs in the returned results

Greater Than

Will return all results where the value is greater than the input

Greater Than Or Equal To

Will return all results where the value is greater than or equal to the input

Less Than

Will return all results where the value is less than the input

Less Than OR Equal To

Will return all results where the value is less than or equal to the input


Will return all results where there is no value for this column

Not Empty

Will return all results where there is a value for this column

Value Display

Some values have special display settings for ease of reading.

Value Type


Colunns that display information in a Boolean will utilize a graphical representation instead of trueand false . The value for truewill display as a check mark. The value for falsewill display as a circle with an X in it.


Every table also includes an "Actions" column that will always be visible to the right of the table. Clicking the elipses will open the menu for available per-row actions that can be taken for this table.

Last updated

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