Adding Tenants & Consenting the CIPP-SAM Application

Consenting to new clients

CIPP Automatically connects to all tenants found either in your GDAP Relationships List. You must add the correct roles for CIPP to function to your GDAP relationship, if you do not, you will not be able to access the tenant and receive errors such as "invalid_grant:AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application" .

Tenant Onboarding Wizard

The preferred method of adding tenants to CIPP is to run the Onboarding Wizard. This will perform all of the background tasks necessary to manage a tenant in CIPP.

  • Go to CIPP

  • Go to Tenant Administration > Administration > Tenant Onboarding

  • Click on Start Tenant Onboarding

  • Select the relationship for the customer you would like to onboard

  • Choose any of the optional settings

  • Wait for the wizard to complete

To automate this process even further, enable Partner Webhooks in Application Settings and newly invited tenants will automatically onboard once accepted.

Manual Steps

After adding a relationship, you can perform a CPV refresh via the following instructions. This also runs automatically each night

  • Go to CIPP

  • Go to Application Settings

  • Go to the Tenants tab

  • Click on the blue refresh button next to the tenant. This will process all required permissions to that tenant.

Tenants are cached for 24 hours within CIPP. To see a newly added Microsoft Tenant you can use the Settings -> Clear Tenant Cache button to clear the cache. Loading GDAP Tenants might take longer as these need to be onboarded by the Lighthouse API first.

Last updated