Add User
The Add User page provides an interface for creating new user accounts in your tenant.
This page will allow you to set all of the necessary properties to create a single new user. You can start with a blank slate or select to copy properties from another user in the top dropdown to speed up account creation.
Getting Started
Navigate to: Identity Management > Administration > Users
Click Add User
Choose your starting point:
Start with blank form
Use "Copy properties from another user" dropdown to pre-fill fields
When using the Copy properties from another user dropdown, the specific fields that get copied are: givenName
, surname
, jobTitle
, department
, streetAddress
, postalCode
, companyName
, mobilePhone
, businessPhones
, usageLocation
Available Settings
Basic Information
User Identity:
First Name
,Last Name
,Display Name
(before the @ symbol),Primary Domain name
(select from dropdown)Email Aliases: Add multiple email aliases one per line without domain (added automatically)
Account Settings
Password Options
Create password manually
: Enter custom passwordWhen
: System generates secure password
Require password change at next logon
Location Settings
Usage Location
(required for licensing)Select
from dropdown
License Management
License Assignment: Allows you to select license(s) to assign & shows available license count
SherWeb Integration (if enabled): Auto-purchase option appears when licenses unavailable, allows you to select license SKU for purchase for system to handle for you along with onboarding.
When SherWeb integration is enabled and a license shows "(0 available)", you'll see an alert stating: "This will Purchase a new Sherweb License for the user, according to the terms and conditions with Sherweb. When the license becomes available, CIPP will assign the license to this user."
Contact Information
Professional Details:
Job Title
,Company Name
Contact Details:
Street Address
,Postal Code
,Mobile Phone
,Business Phone
,Alternate Email Address
Set Manager
(select from existing users),Copy groups from another user
Custom Attributes
Custom attributes can be configured in Preferences > General Settings
These include specific Azure AD attributes that will be available when creating new users:
Available Attributes:
Go to Preferences page under your user profile.
Under General Settings
Find Added Attributes when creating a new user
Select desired attributes from dropdown
Selected attributes will appear on Add User form
Notes about Custom Attributes:
Attributes selected will appear as additional fields on the Add User form
Each attribute has its own text field
Values are saved with the user's profile in Azure AD
Must be configured before they appear on the form.
Attributes are standard Azure AD attributes
Values persist in Azure AD and can be queried/updated later
Not all attributes may be relevant for every user
Changes to Preferences affect all new user creation forms
Additional Details
License assignment requires valid usage location
Password complexity rules apply to manual passwords
Group copying includes all accessible groups
Scheduled creation can be monitored in tasks
Feature Requests / Ideas
We value your feedback and ideas. Please raise any feature requests on GitHub.
Last updated
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