View OneDrive information for users in your Microsoft 365 tenants.
This page lists OneDrive and SharePoint usage from the Microsoft usage API. The last 90 days of information is used for this report. You can use this to check how well implementation is going and if users are actively using their OneDrive and SharePoint sites. You can also see if users are approaching any limits.
Site Id
The GUID of the site
Web Id
Created Date Time
The relative time since the site was created.
Display Name
The full title for the OneDrive site. This should normally be the owner's display name.
Web Url
The URL that displays in the browser.
Owner Display Name
The display name of the user that own's the OneDrive site.
Owner Principal Name
The User Principal Name of the user that own's the OneDrive site.
Last Activity Date
The date the OneDrive was last active for the user.
File Count
The total number of files in the user's OneDrive.
Storage Used in Gigabytes
The total size in GB in the user's OneDrive.
Storage Used In Bytes
The total size in B in the user's OneDrive
Storage Allocated In Bytes
The total space in GB available in the user's OneDrive.
Report Refresh Date
The relative time since the report last updated
Auto Map Url
Add permissions to OneDrive
Opens a modal to select another user to give access to the user's OneDrive.
Remove permissions from OneDrive
Opens a modal to select another user to remove access to the user's OneDrive.
More Info
Opens Extended Info flyout.
Feature Requests / Ideas
We value your feedback and ideas. Please raise any feature requests on GitHub.
Last updated
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