List Standards Templates
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Understanding Standards
This page is a reference to the features of the Standards Templates page in CIPP. To better understand standards, please see the main page for Standards.
Template Name
The name you set when creating the template
The tenant or tenants the standard is created for
Excluded Tenants
The tenant or tenants excluded from AllTenants standards
Run Manually
A Boolean field indicating if the template is set to only be run manually. This displays as false (X in circle) if the template runs on the schedule and a true (✔️) if this template will only run manually.
Created At
Relative time since the template was created
Updated At
Relative time since the template was updated
The GUID for the template
Edit Template
Opens the template configuration page
Clone & Edit Template
Copies the existing template and lets you make changes before saving as a new template
Run Template Now (Currently Selected Tenant only)
Runs the template on the tenant selected in the top menu bar
Run Template Now (All Tenants in Template)
Runs the template for all configured tenants
Delete Template
Deletes the template
We value your feedback and ideas. Please raise any feature requests on GitHub.