Exchange Settings
This page displays information about the user's Exchange settings.
Exchange Details
Mailbox Type
Displays the type of mailbox assigned to this user. "UserMailbox" or "ShareMailbox"
Mailbox Usage
Shows percentage of mailbox quota used.
Hidden From Address Lists
A Boolean value indicating if this user has been hiddent from the Global Address List.
Forward and Deliver
A Boolean value indicating if this user's mailbox has been set to forward email to another user.
Forwarding Address
If set, the e-mail address of the person email is forwarded to.
Archive Mailbox Enabled
A Boolean value indicating if the archive mailbox has been enabled.
Auto Expanding Archive
A Boolean value indicating if the archive mailbox has been set to auto expand.
Total Archive Item Size
The value, in GB, of the size of the archive.
Total Archive Item Count
The value, in total number of items, of the size of the archive.
Litigation Hold
A Boolean value indicating if the account has been placed in litigatoin hold.
Mailbox Protocols
A listing of the protocols this mailbox has enabled.
Blocked For Spam
A Boolean value indicating if this account has been blocked by Microsoft due to spam activity.
Current Mailbox permissions
Displays information regarding any mailbox permissions that have been granted to other users for this user's mailbox.
Current Calendar permissions
Displays information regarding any calendar permissions that have been granted to other users for this user's mailbox.
Current Mailbox Rules
Displays any currently configured mailbox rules.
Mailbox Permissions
A widget that allows for updating mailbox permissions other users can be granted to this user's mailbox.
Calendar Permissions
A widget that allows for updating calendar permissions other users can be granted to this user's mailbox.
Mailbox Forwarding
A widget that allow for updating mail forwarding options for this user's mailbox.
Out of Office
A widget that allows you to edit the out of office settings for this user's mailbox.
Last updated
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