Explore and review members for M365 roles
The Roles page provides a comprehensive list of all Microsoft 365 roles such as Billing Administrator, Global Administrator, etc. It offers the ability to view members associated with each role. This capability promotes efficiency and transparency in managing role assignments.
The Roles page presents each role in a structured table, including the following details:
Role Name
The official name of the role.
A brief summary of the role.
A list of members assigned to the role.
Actions and Features
The Roles page offers various actions and features to enhance user experience and functionality:
View Members
Enables viewing of members associated with a specific role. Clicking on the 'View' button under the 'Members' column opens a sidebar displaying the members of that role.
Filter Roles
Provides the ability to filter roles with or without members.
Supports exporting of role information to CSV and PDF formats.
While navigating the Roles page, please consider the following:
Tenant Selection: This page does not yet support the "All Tenants" overview. Please use the tenant selector to view roles specific to a selected tenant.
Scope of Roles: This page displays Microsoft 365 admin roles only. Exchange, Azure IAM, and Pervue rights are outside the scope of this area.
Role Members: Only roles with assigned members are displayed.
Feature Requests / Ideas
We value your feedback and ideas. Please raise any feature requests on GitHub.
Last updated