Add MSP App
Deploy MSP RMM applications.
You can add MSP RMM applications to deploy through Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Below you will find the settings required for each RMM:
ConnectWise Automate
Intune Application Display Name
Name the application will appear as in MEM
Installer Token
See note below
Automate Server (including HTTPS)
FQDN of your Automate server
Location ID
Automate site ID
Generating an installer token: See this community script for how to create a token to use in installation.
ConnectWise RMM (formerly Command/Continuum)
Intune Application Display Name
Name the application will appear as in MEM
Client URL
Full URL path to download of installer for site
Datto RMM
Intune Application Display Name
Name the application will appear as in MEM
Server URL
FQDN including https://
Datto ID
Datto site ID
Intune Application Display Name
Name the application will appear as in MEM
Account Key
Your MSP account key
Organization Key
Identifier for the client organization in Huntress
Huntress documentation on specifics of how to name organization keys can be found here.
Intune Application Display Name
Name the application will appear as in MEM
Client URL
Full path to ImmyBot agent installer for your account
ImmyBot recommends having all newly installed agents land into their holding area before being assigned to groups for onboarding, etc.
Syncro RMM
Intune Application Display Name
Name the application will appear as in MEM
Client URL
Full path to agent installer for your account
Assignment Options
Do not assign
Adds application to MEM but does not deploy
Assign to all users
Targets all users for app deployment
Assign to all devices
Targets all devices for app deployment
Assign to all users and devices
Targets all users and devices for app deployment
Assign to Custom Group
Enter comma separated row of group display name(s)
Feature Requests / Ideas
We value your feedback and ideas. Please raise any feature requests on GitHub.
Last updated
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