Updating Versions

How to update CIPP when new versions are released.

If you choose to sponsor and use the CyberDrain hosted version, updates are performed automatically within 48 hours of release.

Update your application to the latest release using the following instructions:


  • Go to your own CIPP fork on GitHub

  • Select Sync fork

  • Select Update branch

  • If prompted with a question asking "Do you want to Discard (X) Commits" or "Update Branch", ensure you click on "Update Branch" AND DO NOT PRESS DISCARD

Repeat the same steps for CIPP-API

If you don't see the update immediately - give the function app half an hour or so to finish updating itself.

If you are updating from version 6 or earlier, to a version newer than version 7, a few more steps are required. See the release notes for v7.0.1 under "Self hosted frontend update instructions" for how to successfully update.

Last updated