Professional Onboarding Services

Struggling to get started or need a bit of extra guidance? Our Professional Onboarding Services are here to help you get up and running with CIPP quickly and efficiently.


We get it. GDAP can be confusing, but setting up CIPP doesn't have to be painful! Let our experts show you the ropes. They've been through this and know all the tips and tricks to help you get up to speed. Stop banging your head against the wall and start benefiting from all the time-saving features that CIPP can bring you once it's set up correctly.

How to Get Started

  1. Fill out the form: Provide your name, email, company name and deployment status.

  2. Check your email: You'll receive a link with more information and a link to sign up.

  3. Complete the payment: Follow the link to our payment page and submit your information.

  4. Sit back and wait: Your dedicated CIPP onboarding expert will reach out to book your session.

Note: Sponsorship is required to access these services, whether hosted or self-hosted. Ensure you have completed the sponsorship process to take full advantage of our support.

Scope & Objectives

For a one-time fee of $750 USD, you will receive up to 90 minutes with a CIPP expert and recordings of your sessions for future reference, which will address the following objectives:

  • Understand the step-by-step process of onboarding clients to CIPP.

  • Learn how to configure regional settings and custom domain names.

  • Identify and resolve common performance issues related to region selection.

  • Use the CIPP management portal for user role assignments and permissions.

  • Implement best practices for inviting and managing additional users.

  • Gain familiarity with the SAM wizard and GDAP setup process.

  • Complete GDAP setup within CIPP for one client.

This scope ensures you learn the essential steps and can replicate them for additional customers on your own. If you have specific needs, have already completed some steps, or need to focus on specific areas, discuss this with your CIPP expert prior to the scheduling of your first session. The focus will be on the listed objectives, and any unique requirements must be communicated upfront to be addressed within the allotted time.

Last updated